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Compassion Cures

Psychological Effects of Compassion

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Compassion has a multitude of psychological effects for healthcare professionals.

Examples include: 


Job satisfaction improvement


 Helps reduce burnout


Reduces stress and anxiety

This improvement in mental health allows for providers to provide better quality care for patients

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In many cases, compassion fatigue can result in poor job performance and negative self-esteem, ultimately leading to healthcare providers leaving the healthcare field. Practicing compassion can be beneficial in improving the psychological state of healthcare providers, but it is important to recognize the signs of compassion fatigue.

Compassion Fatigue

There is always a risk for compassion fatigue in healthcare professionals. Compassion fatigue can result in a sense of dread while working, personal dissatisfaction, and overall anxiety and depression when it comes to work.




Compassion results in improved patient satisfaction and has been shown to improve health outcomes, which ultimately improves the mental health of patients. Mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety have been shown to be reduced when compassion is used, whether it be self-compassion or compassion from a healthcare provider. It was also found that compassion can result in improving patient resilience and post-traumatic growth for patients dealing with long-term diseases such as cancer. This ultimately results in better patient outcomes as patients will be more willing to participate in treatments and will have an overall healthier mindset while dealing with disease.

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